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Hani Abdel Fattah Mosaad Mohamed Homus
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hani Homus
Birth date : 10/5/1983
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 2005 .
- Currently in High studies - Preliminary MA - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University .
- worked in ` Visual deception` in addition to restoration of some Old Oil painting for 6 years .
- Worked in the Egyptian company of Touristic Development as a responsible of supervison and execute drawings of amusement center Sector in Golf Al-Salmania Village .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in two exhibitions in the Russian Cultural Center 1997,1998
- Exhibition `Bashaier 2` - Atelier of Al-Taileaa Theatre , March 1999
- Nagy Salon in Alexandria 2002
- Exhibition of Students of Fine Arts Faculty in the Musician Library - The Egyptian Opera House 2005
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