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Curriculum Vitae
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Mohamed Essam Al-Dien Ahmed Mahmoud
Personal Data
Birth date : 27/10/1982
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts -Graphic Department - Print designs Section - Helwan University 2004
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Work in Print and design field
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition on the margin of the Medical Conference - Ain Shams University 2001
- Exhibition in Arts Center 2003
- Exhibition of Faculty of Fine Arts - The Egyptian Opera House 2004
-Exhibition in the Main Gallery in the Faculty of Fine Arts 2004
- Exhibition (Hertiage in Egyptian eyes) Gallery of Mawlana Zad Center - The Indian Cultural Center 2006
- Collective sell exhibitions in Faculty of Fine Arts , Ministry of Youth
State collection
- Ministry of Youth - Cairo
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