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Nahmadou Khalifa Abdel Moniem Saleh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nahmadou
Birth date : 8/11/1958
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA from Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1982
- MA in Art Education - Art works Section - Helwan University 1997
- PhD of Philosphy in Art Education - Art works Section - Helwan University 2002
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists ( Painting) 3786/1103
- Board member of Alumni of Art Education Faculty
- Member of Writers and Artists Society - Cairo Atelier
- Member of Teaching Staff Club - Helwan University
- 1982:1992 Lecturer in the Faculty of Education `Girls` - Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- 1992:1993 Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Eduaction - Ain Shams University
- 1997:2002 Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
- 2003: 2004 Assistant professor in Al-Qausien - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- 2002: 2007 Instructor and member of Teaching Staff in the Folklore and Art works Department - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
-2005:2007 Assistant professor in Al-Taief University
-2007 Assistant professor in Department of Hertiage and art works , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Riyadh , Al-Qausiem ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Solo shows
- Exhibition ( Development) in Cairo Atelier , August 2003
- Exhibition ( Qasaqies) Horus gallery - Faculty of Art Education , April 2005
- Exhibition in Cairo Atelier , August 2005
- Exhibition in Fine Art gallery - Ramatan Cultural Center - Taha Hussien Museum , October 2007
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff accompanied to the Conference of Faculty of Art Education 2002
- High studies exhibition accompanied to the Faculty Conference 2002
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff accompanied to the Symposium of Helwan University entitle` The Comprehensive development` in Al-Ahram Organization 2002
- Exhibition (Art visions) of Teaching Staff - The Egyptian Opera House 2003
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff in the gallery of Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- Exhibition accompanied to the 6th Forum of Helwan University - Ain Helwan 2004
- Exhibition ( Creations (1), (2) in Horus gallery - Faculty of Art Education 2004, 2005
- Exhibition ( Creations (3) ) Cairo Atelier 2005
- 2nd Festival of Jewelry Art - Geizira Arts Center , January 2006
- Exhibition `Creations 4` at Fine art gallery in Ramatan Cultural Center - Taha Hussien Museum , October 2007
International exhibitions
- 3rd exhibition of Ministry of Education of Fine Arts of Al-Qausiem artists - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - King Khaled Civilized Center in `Barida` 2004
- Participated in perapre the Art and Scientific conferences in the Faculty of Art Education
- Participated in prepare the Folkore Museum in the Faculty of Art Education
Publications and activities
- The Participation in many Trainting Workshops and Courses in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Published research in the magazine of Faculty of Art Education - 14th Issue 2005
- Supervison and prepartion Students exhibitions in Art works - Faculty of Art Education
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University for her participation in the 8th Scientific Conference 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University for her participation in exhibition accompanied to the Symposium ` Helwan University and the comprehensive development) Al-Ahram Organization 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University for her efforts in Teaching Staff exhibition - Horus Gallery 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education in exhibition accompanied to the 6th Forum of Helwan University to employment Alumni of University) Conferences Center - Ain Helwan 2004
International recognition
- Certificate of thanks and Merit for her participation in 3rd exhibition of Ministry of Education of Fine Arts of Al-Quasiem Artists - King Khaled Civilzed Center in Barida 2004
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , America
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