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Abdel -Wahab Moursi El-Sayed |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Abdel -Wahab Moursi |
Birth date |
: 23/2/1931 |
Place of birth |
: Sharkya |
Date of death |
: 19/11/2021 |
Activities |
: Painting |
Email |
: KholLo2003@yahoo.com |
Site |
: www.artmorsi.com |
Education |
- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, 1957.
- Diploma of the Institute of Art Education for Teachers 1958.
- Free studies in etching work at the University of San Fernando (Spain) 1971 1972. |
Jobs |
- Worked at Monuments Registration Center , from 1958 until 1974 .
- Comptroller- General of the General Organization of Arts, and comptroller- general of museums.
- Fine artist. |
Solo shows |
- Solo exhibition at Modern Art Museum in Cairo, 1961.
- Exhibition in Ekhnaton art gallery, Cairo, 1964.
- Exhibition in Fine Arts gallery in Cairo, 1967.
- Exhibition in Goethe art gallery, Cairo, 1970-1975 - 1981.
- Exhibition in the Modern Art gallery (Geneva), 1971.
- Exhibition Topson art gallery, Spain, 1972.
- Exhibition in Belgium, 1982.
- Exhibition in Austria, 1983.
- Exhibition in Paris, France, 1981-1982.
- Frankfurt-, West Germany, 1981.
- Exhibition in Joseph Brostito Museum (Titograde, Yugoslavia) 1990.
- Exhibition at Khan al-Maghraby art gallery, 1996.
- Private exhibition in Cairo 1999.
- Exhibition entitled (some art) in Picasso art gallery, 2005.
- Exhibition at Extra art gallery, Zamalek, 2006. |
Local exhibitions |
- Participated in several group national exhibitions in Egypt.
- Exhibition of art and revolution (Alexandria) 1958.
- Cairo Salon, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1967.
- Participated in the General Art Exhibition and the National Art Exhibition till 1999.
- The 27th National Art Exhibition, 2001.
- The 3rd National Graphic Exhibition, 2005.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- Fourth exhibition in honor artists who were born in January, February, From March 1888 until 1935, at Dimensions art gallery of Egyptian Modern Art Museum, April 2006
- Salon of the Circle Mini works at Portrait gallery - Down Town 2006.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( 1st Egypt`s Salon) 2007 .
- Exhibition (Al Arousa) at Karma ebn Hane` Gallery in Ahmed Shawqy Museum, January 2007.
- 56th Atilier Salon at Caito Atelier,2008. |
International exhibitions |
- Participated in Alexandria Biennale , 1957-1959 - 1961-1968-1970-1972 - 1983 - 1996 in Egypt.
International Exhibition in Belgrade, 1961.
-Paris International Biennale for Youth Artists, France 1965.
- Exhibition at (Tatnt Welo) art gallery, Paris, France, 1965.
- International Exhibition of Arts, Senegal, 1966.
-Venice Biennale, (Italy) 1968.
- Sport Biennale, (Madrid), Spain 1969.
- Africa Festival, (Algeria), 1969. Naka Exhibition (Japan), 1973.
- Cane Sermer exhibition, (France), 1975.
-Venice Biennale, (Italy) 1975.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (Netherlands), 1976.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (France), 1976.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (Mexico), 1978.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (Germany), 1979.
- Valberezo Biennale (Chile), 1979. Exhibition in Austria, 1982.
- India Triennale, (India), 1991.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (Spain), 1994.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (France), 1999.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in (Tunisia), 2000. |
Scholarship |
-Sabbatical Leave grants from the Ministry of Culture (for 4 years), 1962.
- Another grant in 1982. |
Local and international Who's Who |
- Robert Encyclopedia (French).
- Larosse Encyclopedia (French).
- Encyclopedia the World Prospects (Cambridge).
- World Adav Encyclopedia (Milan).
- Arab Encyclopedia of the Egyptian General Authority for Information.
- “2000 Designer and Artist of the Twentieth Century”, (Cambridge).
- “Who`s Who”, Cambridge.
- “Marquis Who`s Who” of America.
- IBC Encyclopedia of Cambridge.
- Who`s Who In The World, USA. |
Local recognition |
- Second prize in the Art and Revolution Exhibition, (Alexandria) 1958.
- Award for Excellence in specialization (Institute of Art Education for Teachers), 1958.
- Cairo Salon Award, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1967. |
International recognition |
- Third prize (the Egyptian pavilion), Alexandria Biennale 1970.
- Second prize in the Third Barcelona International Biennale, Portugal, 1971.
- Nominated for Honorary doctoral degree by the Bank of America Information, the University of Marquise Jespi Askpo, State of Missouri, and also won the bronze medal of Albert Einstein Academy (USA). |
Private collection |
Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad. |
State collection |
- Egyptian Modern Art Museum in Cairo.
- Museum of Modern Art in Alexandria.
- Museum of Port Said.
- National Museum of Jordan.
- Museum Titograde in Yugoslavia.
- White House in United States of America.
- Royal Museum in Spain. |
Essays |
-Works of Abdul Wahab Morsy represents a distinguished epic in the contemporary fine movement for more than 40 years.
-As a creative artist, he was inspired by the Egyptian art that lived in his fantasy, and was subdued according to his vision and subjective style which is based on firm basis of academic principles and values whether in his color processing that shows the musical relations on the painting, or in the formations of the artistic work that is well structured. In his style he concentrates on the two dimensions only, for he uses ambiguous embodiment which is affirmed by his richness of creation and ability of expression through aesthetic values, romantic feelings, sensibility and richness of touch, and him being affected by the spirit of ancient Egyptian art.
Hence his works are evidences on an artist who was able to solve with himself a local Egyptian equation and inspired by the roots maintaining the vividness of his works, shiny colors and formations, and his ability to motivate aesthetic emotions in the receiver.
Critic/ Kamal Gweily
Civilization is Egypt all through history periods
-Abdul Wahab Morsy uses colors in drilling or painting which reflect a charming mixture with the heritage and the past even if the phases were different.
-In his paintings and colors you see Egypt with its great history whether pharaonic
or Islamic. His fantasy combines between the present and past through mixing writing characters with animal figures and birds before mankind which transfers you in a second to the past with the present; it is an inherited artistic bridge.
-The art of Abdul Wahab reflects a fusion of art with all its history in his paintings that are a pure Egyptian Intellectual heritage.
Kamal Al Malakh
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