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Wafiqa Mustafa Mohamed Shafiek
Personal Data
Fame Name : Wafiqa Mustafa Mohamed
Birth date : 23/8/1936
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
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- High Diploma in Fine Arts 1958 .
- Teaching pass of the High Institurte of Art Education of Female teachers 1959
- Study in the Fine Arts Academy - Rome - Italy 1963
- Study in the Institute of Mini industries (Ceramics) 1969
- High Studies in the Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek 1972
- Got 2 diploma from the Institute of Islamic Studies - Kuwait 1988,1990
- High Studies Diploma from the Institute of Folklore - Arts Academy - Haram 1997 .
- Member of Teachers Syndicate .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Painting 1453/429 .
- Member of Writers and Artists Society - Cairo Atelier .
- Member of Al-Ghury Artists Association .
- Member of Association of Coptic Hertiage lovers .
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of the Egyptian Association of the Folklore
- Worked in Puppets theatre 1959
- Worked in the Egyptian television 1959 - 1960
- Art member in the Administration of Educational aids - The Main Center - Department of Art Guidance from 1960:1963
- Teacher of Art Education from 1964 :1967
- First Teacher of Art Education in the Secondary education from 1967:1974
- Supervisor of Art Education in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait 1974:1985
- Worked in teaching in the Faculties of Specify and Art Education and Al-Azhar University (Boys) Faculty of Education - Art Education Section from 1990:2004 .
- Freelance professor in the Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek - Cairo .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Italy `Rome` .
- Saudi Arabia `Riyhad`
- Kuwait `Al-Salmia`.
- America, Canada .
Solo shows
- Exhibition in Care field gallery - Germany .
- Exhibition in Subrub of Abdullah Al-Salm - Kuwait 1979.
- Exhibition ( Noun and Arts) in Bicaso Gallery - March 2001.
- Exhibition in Cairo Atelier 2003 .
- Exhibition in Alexandria Atelier - July 2003 .
- Exhibition in Air Force gallery-Washignton - America 2004.
- Exhibition in Afou (101) gallery - Canada 2004 .
- Fine Arts exhibitions in Kuwait - Canada - America .
- Photography exhibition in the International exhibition `Photo Egypt` Cairo International Conferences Center from 9 -11 March 2007 .
- Exhibition in ( Biekar and Abdel Salam Al-Sherif) Galleries - Journalists Syndicate 2007 .
- Exhibition ( Folk shots from the Egyptian alley) at Mahmoud Saeed Center of museums in Alexandria - January 2009 .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Photography exhibition with the Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers in Al-Hanager Gallery .
- Participated in all the periodical and quarterly exhibitions since 1956
- Salon of Cairo Atelier of Writers and Artists
- Exhibitions of the General exhibition of Fine Arts
- Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury artists and Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- participated in Youth Salon sinec 1957
- 6th Annual Spring exhibition 1958, 7th 1959 - Association of Alumni of Fine Arts Faculty
- Exhibitions of the Cultural Association in Mubarak Library and Yacht Club
- 1st Pioneers exhibition 1960, 2nd 1961, 3rd 1962 - Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- 10th Spring exhibition 1963 - Association of Alumni of Fine Arts Faculty
- The General Exhibition of Fine Arts - May 1969
- Exhibition in Arts Library in the National Documents and Books House - September 1969
- 43rd Annual exhibition of Fine Arts 1992, 44th 1994
- 42nd Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury Artists in the occassion of the Silver feast of the Association 2000 .
- Exhibition ( Art.... and flowers) of Artists of the Art Associations in Giza Yacht Club 2002
- 4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
- Exhibition of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers 2002
- Exhibition in Mubaral General Library - April 2002
- Exhibition ( Art..... Portrait) of Artists of the Art Associations - Mubarak Library 2002
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
- Exhibition ( From inspiration of Camera) Ismalia Culture Palace , May 2003
-15th Annual Salon entitle `Time` Alexandria Atelier 2003
- Exhibition (aesthetics of the Egyptian alley) The Egyptian Association of Photography in the gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House 2003
- Exhibition (Light Creations) in the gallery of Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- 23rd Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury Artists - January 2003, 25th Spetember 2004 .
- The Circle gallery in the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Exhibition `Features of Ramadan` in Giza Yacht Club - October 2004
- Competition ( aesthetics of the red colour) The Egyptian Association of Photography in the Russian Cultural Center - November 2004
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 4th Exhibition of Artists of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers - the Galley of Al-Ahram newspaper , March 2004
- 5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
- 2nd Fine Festival in Alexandria Creation Center of the National Association of Fine Arts , August 2004
- Fine Arts exhibition of the Shooting Club member in cop-operation with Ministry of Culture - Sector of Fine Arts - September 2004
- 18th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts - the Gallery of Fine Arts - Opera House , March 2005 .
- Exhibition (Spring aesthetics) in the gallery of the Musician Library - The Egyptian Opera House - The Egyptian Association of Photography , April 2005
- Exhibition (Camera Tour) in Suzan Mubarak Library - The Egyptian Association of Photography - May 2005
- Exhibition (Lense talk) - Maadi Library - The Egyptian Association of Photography , July 2005
- Exhibition of Artists of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers (Coptic visions in Fine formations) in Creation and critique Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum - July 2005
- Exhibition of Atelier Salon in occassion of honoring Artist/ Hussien Al-Gebaly - Cairo Atelier 2005
- The Annual Exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography ( Historical visions) in the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural Co-operation (Gallery of the Foreign diplomats) November 2005 .
- Exhibition `Ramadinat` in the galleries of Tahia Haliem, Mohamed Nagy - Cairo Atelier - October 2005 .
- 1st Portrait Salon in Cairo Atelier - September 2005 .
- Invitation to exhibition (Girls of the Association) the National Association of Fine Arts in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - River gallery - December 2005
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child - Palace of Arts , January 2006
- Exhibition `Silent Nature` in Gougan gallery - Heliopolis - March 2006
- Exhibition `Noun and Arts (6) ` in Bicaso gallery of Fine Arts - February 2006
- Exhibition `Spring is colours` the Egyptian Association of Photography in Giza Yacht Club - March 2006
- Exhibition `Silent Nature` in Gougan gallery , March 2006
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography in the gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House - April 2006
- 6th Exhibition of Artists of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers ,April 2006
- Exhibition `My country is a sweet image` the Egyptian Association of Photography - Palace of Arts - Fayum , May 2006
- Invitation to exhibition (Everything) the Egyptian Association of Photography in the Russian Cultural Center of Culture and Science - Fine Arts Gallery, July 2006
- 18th Annual Salon of Photography `Camera eyes` in Camera Club - Alexandria Atelier , July 2006
- Exhibition of Association of Coptic Hertiage in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - Zamalek , July 2006 .
- 3rd Fine Festival of the Natioanl Association of Fine Arts in Creation Center - Alexandria - August 2006
- Exhibition `Shadows and colours` the Egyptian Association of Photography in `Kalema` gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - September 2006
- Exhibition `Ramadian memories` of the Egyptian Association of Photography - Mubarak General Library , October 2006
- Exhibition of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers `Fine Arts` - River gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , November 2006
- Invitation to recepation of the Foregin , Egyptian talents and Professionals Photographers in occassion of prepare to the 4th Competition of Al-Sakia of Photography , January 2007 , River gallery 28/11/2006
- 26th Exhibition of Al-Ghury Artists Association in the Grand Show gallery - Al-Ahram newspaper , December 2006
- Exhibition `Movement in Photography` The Egyptian Association of Photography ,December 2006
- 19th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts 2006
- 8th Fine Arts exhibition of members of the Egyptian Shooting Club 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
- Photography exhibition `Planets and Flowers` in the Main gallery of exhibitions - The Russian Center of Science and Culture , April 2007
- Photography exhibition in the Arts gallery - the Musician Library - The Egyptian Opera House 2007
- Exhibition `Meeting 2) of Photography in Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria 2007
- Exhibition of Association of observing hertiage 2007
- 8th Exhibition of Artists of Association - Al-ahram gallery , February 2007
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- 56th Atelier Salon at Cairo Atelier 2008
- Exhibition ( 3rd meeting of Photography) at museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria 2008
- 3rd Spring Salon at ( Wisdom and Word) galleries at Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , April 2008
- 27th exhibition of association of Al-Ghury artists at the Grand show gallery in Al-Ahram newspaper, April 2008
- At the Greek Cultural Center -April 2008
- At museum of Fine arts, Alexandria, May 2008
- At the Greek Cultural Center in Cairo, May 2008
- At Museum of Fine arts, Alexandria Library , May 2008
- Exhibition ( Sea and Spring) at the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine artists, May 2008
- Exhibition (Photographic vision) at the Grand gallery of exhibitions in the Russian Center of Science and culture - The Egyptian association of Photography , June 2008
- Exhibition ` Colored creations` at the Egyptian center of the International Cultural co-operation - gallery of the Foreign diplomats - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
- Exhibition (Grant) at show gallery in Opera House, The Egyptian association of the Egyptian heritage, August 2008 .
- 1st Private exhibition of artists who held their first private exhibition in the period from 1st July 2006 till 30th June 2008 at Geizira Arts Center, October 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Photography exhibitions in China , Belguim .
- participated in the 1st European and Arab festival of Photography and the Arab Cultural Week - Hamburg University - Germany 2004, 3rd 2006 .
- International exhibition (Photo Egypt) , March 2007 .
- Murals in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
- Establishment of first Puppet theatre in the Secondary schools - Kuwait and presenting three shows in Kuwait Television
- Commassaire of the Annual and periodicity exhibitions of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers
Publications and activities
- Studies and Arts in Children Arts and compare it by the Spontaneous Art and Folklore
- Research `Woman in Forming and drawing of the Egyptian artists
- participation in Workshop of Print , Puppets and engraving.
- Workshop about dramatic Fine Show in Al-Hanager Center of Arts
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the 2nd Competition of Photography in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy .
- Certificate of Merit from Exhibition `aesthetics of the Egyptian Alley` the Egyptian Association of Photography in the gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House 2003
- Certificate of Merit `aesthetics of the Red colour` of the Egyptian Association of Photography -The Russian Cultural Center 2004
- Certificarte of Merit from Fine Arts exhibition of Shooting Club members in co-operation with Ministry of Culture - Sector of Fine Arts , September 2004
- Certificate of Merit from Association of Colours Lab `Photo Egypt` 2005
- Certificate of Merit from Exhibition `Spring aesthetics` in the gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House- The Egyptian Association of Photography , April 2005
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition `Tour of Camera` in Suzan Mubarak General Library - The Egyptian Association of Photography , May 2005
- Certificate of Merit from association of the Egyptian heritage at Saad Zaghloul Cultural Cenetr, April 2007
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition ( Features of the Old Egypt) at Cairo Atelier - The Egyptian assocation of Photography, September 2007
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition (Photography 3 - Photography vision) at Camera Club in Alexandria Atelier , January 2008
- Certificate of Merit and thank from Photography exhibition (Faces) at Fine arts gallery of the Musician library - The Egyptian association of Photogarphy - March 2008
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition at the Greek Cultural Center- association of protection the Egyptian heritage - April 2008
- Certificate of Merit and thank from 3rd Spring Salon at (Wisdom and kalema) galleries at Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , April 2008
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition ` Colored creations` at the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation - gallery of the Foreign diplomats - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition (Grant) at show gallery of Opera House , August 2008 .
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit for her participation in efficiencies of the 1st European Arab Festival Week of Photograph and the Arab Cultural Week in Hamburg University - Germany 2006 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Cairo , Kuwait , Germany , Canada, America , France .
State collection
- Culture Development Fund .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- Al-Ahram newspaper .
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