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Nabiel Medhat Abdel Moniem Al-Ghamry
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nabiel Al-Ghamry
Birth date : 1/8/1973
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Education Department - Tanta - Tanta University 1994
- MA of Specify Education in Art Education ( Painting) - Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University 2002
- Register of PhD in 16/6/2004 - Cairo University
- Designer and Fine artist of one of Children programmes ( Channel 6 - Radio and Television Union - Egypt) 1997
Places of interest
- Cairo - Al-Gharbia
Local exhibitions
- Participated in exhibitions of High studies - Al-Sheraa Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University 1996 - 1997
-Exhibition of Artists of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta - Tanta Culture Palace 1998
- Exhibition ` Meeting of Generations` - Tanta Culture Palace 2002
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff in the Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta 2000, 2003
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art - Arts Center - Zamalek 2002
- Salon of Al-Gharbia Youth - Tanta Culture Palace 2002, 2003, 2005
- Supervison and organize all Drawing and Painting exhibitions of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University - Tanta 1996 to 2006
- Participated in some Fine designs in Channel 6 - Radio and Television Union - as Fine Designer 1997
- Establishment groups of free studies ( Drawing and Painting) of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University - Tanta and supervison on exhibitions ( in Fine Art Gallery - Tanta University , Tanta Culture Palace , Faculty of Specify Education and Tanta University) 1997 to 2000
- Supervsion of Graduation projects of Students of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University - Tanta 1997 to 2006
- Supervison and Participation in Fine Specify exhibition 1 , Joint co-operation between Faculty of Specify Education in Tanta - Tanta University and Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University ( Fine Arts Gallery - Tanta University) 1998
- Supervison and participation in Fine art exhibition between artists of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta Univesity and Libyan Youth artists , Joint co-operation between Al-Gharbia governorate and Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University ( Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University) 1998
- Supervison and participation in Fine art exhibition of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University , co-operation with Al-Gharbia governorate ( Shrouk Center - Tanta) 1998
-Idea owner of Orgainzing and managment ( 1st Fine Art Forum) of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta 1999,2000
-Idea owner of Orgainzing and managment of the 1st Marketing exhibitions of Youth Alumni of Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University ( Faculty of Science - Tanta University) 2001, 2002, 2003
- Executive General manager , supervison and participation in beautification wall of Faculty of Specify education - Tanta University ( Mural painting) 2002
-Executive General manager, supervison and participation in beautification the external wall of Students House - Tanta University ( Mural Painting) 2003
- General executive manager on organzing 24th exhibition of Youth Fair , The General Administration of exhibitions and Fairs Affairs - The Social Fund of Development 2004
- Supervsion and participation in prepare some designs and Art sides of project of develpment Machines and products of covering and bottling ( part 1: Food industries) , protoccol between Researches Center of Technology development - Helwan University and the General Authority of industrialization ( Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Industry) 2005
- Supervison and organize the 1st exhibitions of Sonaa Al-Haya Charity Association - Tanta , Tanta Sporting Club 2005
-Art supervison and organize 1st courses ( Jewlery and Metal works) in Association of development Society of Tomorrow generation - Tanta in co-operation with Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University 2006
- Primary prepartion of the rehabilitation art programmes ( General and Speicfic) of Al-Ashaira Al-Mohamdia Association - Tanta , and supervison on courses in co-operation with the England House - Tanta 2006
- Prepare and organize the 1st Festival of Art and Culture in co-operation with the National Council of Woman ( Shooting Sporting Club - Dokki - Giza) 2006
- Technique Consultant in IMC Center - Ministry of Commerce and Industry , and the European Union 2007
Local recognition
- 3rd prize and Certificate of Merit from the General Administration of Students Care - Ministry of High Education - Fine Arts 1990
- Certificate of Merit of the High qualification in teaching painting - The Art activity - Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta 1997
- 2nd prize and Certificate of Merit , The General Administration of Al-Gharbia Culture - The General Authority of Culture Palaces ( Al-Gharbia Youth Salon , Painting) 2002
-1st prize and Certificate of Merit - The General Administration of Al-Gharbia Culture , The General Authority of Culture Palaces ( Al-Gharbia Youth Salon , Painting) 2003
- Medal from Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University ( MA , Painting) 2004
- 1st prize and Certificate of Merit , The General Administration of Al-Gharbia Culture - The General Authority of Culture Palaces ( Al-Gharbia Youth Salon , Painting) 2005
- Certificate of Merit for his supervison on the Art activity from Sonaa Al-Haya Charity Association - Tanta 2005
-Certificate of Merit for his supervison on the Art activity from Association of Development Society of Tomorrow Generation - Tanta 2006
- Certificate of Merit from Al-Ashaira Al-Mohamdia Association - Tanta in prepare the Art preparation programmes ( General and Specific) , and supervison on courses in co-operation with the England House in Tanta and prepare and organize the 1st Festivalof Association of Art and Culture 2007
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , United Arab of Emirates , Canada
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