- has been participating in the fine art movement since1981 with 50 group exhibitions:
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Youth Salon- 1989\ 90\ 91.
- The General Fine Art Exhibition- 1987\ 88\ 89\ 90\ 98.
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Autumn Salon- 1997- 1998- 1999.
- The Competition of Magnifying Mukhtar sculptures- 1991.
- Exhibitions of the Fine Art Lovers- 1981:1988.
- The Opera Acquisitions- 1988.
- Helwan University Acquisitions- 1996.
- The National Fine Art Exhibition- session 25- 1997.
- Exhibition of the Egyptian German Institutes Association- 1998.
- 5th Small Works SAlon- 2001.
- The Artists Recognition Exhibition- Round Gallery- 2003:2006. |