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Nahla Mohamed Qenawy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nahla Qenawy
Birth date : 21/1/1971
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1996
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Fine artist
Solo shows
- At Town House Gallery 1999
- At `Kamal Khalifa` Gallery - Geizira Arts Center - Zamalek , November 2006
Local exhibitions
- Competition of Artist/ Gazabia Serry - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1995
-1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997, 4th 2000
- 27th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
- 1st Festival of Jewelry Art - Geizira Arts Center , Janauary 2002
-14th Youth Salon 2002
- Collective exhibition in Bicaso Gallery 2002, 2003
- Festival of Creations of the Egyptians Woman in the Contemporary Arts - Geizira Arts Center , November 2004
- 2nd Exhibition of Light of Shape - Palace of Art , October 2005
-2nd Festival of Jewelry Art -Geizira Arts Center , Janauary 2006
- Exhibition entitle ` Noun and Arts` Bicaso Gallery of Fine Arts - Zamalek , February 2006
- Exhibition ` Best Jewelry` Biet Kareem Gallery - Nasr City , August 2007
International exhibitions
-6th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2002
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Jewelry - Austria 2007
Local recognition
- 1st Prize in Competition of Artist/ Gazebia Serry - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1995
- Certificates of Merit Sector of Fine Arts in Jewelry field from
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Morocco, and France
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