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Abdallah Essmat Abdel-Haleem Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abdallah Dawestashy
Birth date : 25/7/1977
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Photography
Email : ,

- BA of Faculty of Law, Alexandria Univeristy, 2002.
- Photographer and video montage man at Alexandria Research Center of Mediterranean Countries Civilizations, Alexandria Library.
- Assistant art director at “Mahmoud Said” movie, produced by the Cultural Development Fund, and “Quill and Pen” produced by Alexandria Library.
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ` Alexandria all times` in the German Cultural Center in Alexandria 2007 .
- At Mahmoud Saeed Center of musuems , Alexandria ,2009 .
Local exhibitions
- Photography exhibitions at Camera Club and Alexandria Atelier.
- The 4th Nile Salon for Photography, 2002.
- Photography exhibition of “Time Passengers”, workshop accompanied Alexandria International Biennale, 2003.
- The 14th, 16th Youth Salon, 2002,2004.
- Exhibition of “Time, Camera and Art Creation”, Alexandria Atelier, 2004.
- The 16th Annual Salon of Alexandria Atelier, titled “Light Glimpse – 4x1), Alexandria Atelier, 2004.
- The 5th Nile Salon for Photography, 2004.
- The First Photography Symposium at Camera Club, Alexandria Atelier, 2005.
- The 17th Annual Salon “Light Hymns”, at Camera Club, Alexandria Ateleir, 2005.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Six Artists of Alexandria, at the Egyptian Art Academy in Rome, 2003.
- Youth Biennale in Italy 2008 .
- 1st Bahr Symposium 2008 .
Publications and activities
- Multi Media workshop in Lebanon 2007 .
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