- The Fine Art Exhibition- Anfoushy Culture Palace - 1971.
- the Annual Fine Art Exhibition (Art Education Alumni) 1973 : 1990.
- The Fine Art Competition between Specific Faculties - 1977.
- 15 May Fine Art Exhibition - 1977- 1978.
- The One Piece Exhibition- General Administration for Art and Literature- Cairo- 1978.
- The Teaching Staff Exhibition- Faculty of Art Education - 1982.
- Mukhtar Sculpture Competition- Cairo- 1984.
- 20th Spring Exhbition- Art Center- Fine Art Alumni Society- 1985.
- 1st and 2nd Alexandria Salon- 1985- 1986.
- Contemporary Egyptian Sculpture- Nile Gallery- Gezira - 1987.
- 10th Ahila Salon - 1991.
- Modern Egyptian Sculpture- Nile Gallery - 1991. |