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Said Mansour Waked Hassan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Said Waked
Birth date : 11/5/1976
Place of birth : Giza.
Activities : Sclupture
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- BA from the Faculty of Art Education , Cairo University 1998.
- Currntly doing MA introductory in Painting .
- A designer in a glass factory .
Solo shows
- At Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- 5th Salon of Mini Works -2002, 6th_ 2003 .
- *1st Salon of painting ( Black and white ) at El Gezira art Center , May 2004 .
- *16th Youth Salon 2004.
- *5th Nile Salon for photography .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation `18th Youth Salon 2007` .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- The British Embassy in Cairo .
- Ministry of Culture .
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