- Art teacher 1941:1947, then Associate Teacher at the Teachers Institute (drawing department) October 1947. He gradually held posts till he became a scul[pture and ceramics teacher- faculty of Art Education- Helwan University- 18\ 5\ 1966.
- In 1974- he traveled to Saudi Arabia to plan for the Art Education Department at the Faculty of Education- King Soud Unievrsity- there he worked an art teacher and headed the department 1977:1981.
- In 1985, was delegated by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, to develop the art courses in Bahrain, in addition to holding training courses for the Art Teachers of sculpture and ceramics in order to keep up with recent developments in the High Education.
- in 1988, he participated in founding the Faculty of Specific Education, where he worked a teacher and headed the Art Education Department- and the sculpture teacher in Dokki.
- in 1995, was assigned a part time sculpture teacher at the Faculty of Art Education- Helwan University- 2002. |