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Ali Mohamed Dosouki
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ali Dosouki
Birth date : 29/3/1937
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 4/4/2022
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department 1959 - Cairo
- Founder member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Founder member of Association of Al-Ghury artists
- Memeber of Association of Artists and Writers Association - Cairo
- Section member of Folklore Committee in the Supreme Council of Culture
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- View Designer in the Arab television
- Fine Artist
Places of interest
- Folk districts , Luxor and Aswan
Solo shows
- At Cairo Atelier 1965
- Exhibitions of Batik in the Egyptian Cultural Center , Paris 1978,1980
- In Rabat City - Morocco
- In Bazel City - Switzerlands 1978
- In Bon City - Western Germany 1980
- In Garna City - Cybrus 1983
- In the Cultural Festival - Tunisia
- In Madrid 1999 - Spain
- In the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural Co-operation in `Foreign Diplomats` gallery 1981 -1984 -1992
- At Qortuba gallery - Mohandessen 2008
Local exhibitions
-21st General exhibition of Fine Arts 1990
-24th , 26th , 27th and 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1995,1999.2001,2003
- 3rd, 5th and 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999,2002,2003
- 1st Exhibition of Press illustration , Palace of Arts , March 2004
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- Exhibition ` Ramadinat` - Cairo Atelier , October 2005
- Festival of Fine Creation of Child , Palace of Arts , January 2006
- Exhibition of the Folk Hertiage - Nahdiet Misr Gallery , Mahmoud Mukhtar Center 2006
- Exhibition ` Art is Language` - Gallery of Fine Arts - Opera , October 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- Exhibition ` Grant and Art` - Al-Oruba Rotary Club 2007
International exhibitions
- 1st Arab Biennale in Baghdad
- Abiesa exhibition in Spain 1970
- Week of the Arab Art - Japan 1973
- Alexandria Biennale
- The Arab week in Paris
- Freelance grant from Ministry of Culture for 5 years in Oil Painting 1969 ( Folk Traditions and Customs in Egypt)
Local recognition
- Prize from 4th Pioneers exhibition 1963 - Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Salon prizes 1965-1970-1971-1973 - Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Honory prize from 3rd Exhibition of Mini tableau
- Honored from the Supreme Council of Culture 0 Folklore Section 2002
State collection
- Minsitry of Culture
Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Foreign Ministry
- Information Authority
- Museum of Bazil City - Switzerlands
- Suez Canal Bank
- The National Bank of Egypt
- Semiramis Hotel - Cairo
- The Egyptian Opera House
- Conferences center - Cairo
- Al-Ghury Agency
- Safir Hotel
- Marriott Hotel
- Al-Azhar Mosque
- The Egyptian Embassy in Paris
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