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Curriculum Vitae
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Salem Ahmed Mahmoud Khalil
Personal Data
Birth date : 16/11/1953
Place of birth : Fayum
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1977 - Helwan University
- PhD of Philosophy in Education 1994
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Instructor in Faculty of Education - Hewlan University
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Collective exhibitions in Egypt since 1976
- Competition of Fine Arts 1977-1982-1983
- Competition of Helwan University 1977
- 22nd Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1982
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Egyptian German Friendship - Berlin 1979
- 3rd Cairo International Ceramics Biennale 1996
Local recognition
- 3rd prize in Ceramics in Competition of Fine Arts 1977
- Ceramics prize from Competition of Helwan University 1977
- 1st prize in Sculpture from 22nd Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1982
- Encouragement prize from Competition of Fine Ars 1982
- 3rd pize from Competition of Fine Arts 1983
Private collection
- At art lovers inside and abroad
State collection
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth
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