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Curriculum Vitae
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Gamal Mohamed Gomaa
Personal Data
Birth date : 13/8/1920
Activities : Painting

- Fine Art Diploma- Painting- 1948.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- of the Fine Art Alumni.
- of the Educational Delegation- Syria- 1952: 1957.
Local exhibitions
- Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Art Alumni during the 1950s.
- Exhibitions and Competitions of the Fine Art Lovers- during the 1960s.
- Alumni Exhibitions of the Art Education Institute.
- Exhibitions of the Education Faculties Syndicate and the Drawing Teachers Syndicate- 1970: 1977.
- the Egyptian Desert and the Modern Element Competition- 1987.
- 18th and 19th General Exhibition- 1988- 1990.
International exhibitions
- International Pol Loy Competition- Personal Photography- portrait- Paris- 1973.
- Participated in some exhibitions in Syria in addiotion to art competition of the Syiran artists living in Damascus.
- Exhibitions in KSA.
- Demascus and KSA.
- was selected within a group of artists for developin and modernizing the Education Museum.
- was delegated to works in Syria- 1952: 1957.
- prepared and organized art exhibitions and competitions for the Saudi Ministry of Education.
Publications and activities
- prominant art activities in KSA 1960: 1963.
- at the Saudi Ministry of Education- 1977: 1983.
- was selected for teaching art history at the Fine Arts Institute Demascus.
- was selected for arbitrating the best production prizes at many art competitions in Syria and Lebanon.
- was selected for evaluating the Youth Syrian Atrists for Delegations Abroad.
Local recognition
- was nominated for a devotion prize at Luxor Studio.
State collection
- Modern Art Museum- Syria.
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