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Yara Mohamed Faysal Abdel Fattah
Personal Data
Fame Name : Yara Faysal
Birth date : 27/5/1977
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Graphic
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Helwan University 2000 .
- Preliminary MA in Graphic Department 2002 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 4964 - Graphic .
- Graphic Designer .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ` Civilization and terrorism` in Syndicate of Fine Artists 1998 .
- 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art - Arts Center - Zamalek 1999 .
- 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art - Arts Center - Zamalek 2000 .
- 12th Youth Salon , Palace of Arts 2000 .
- Exhibition of Fine Arts of Alumni of Faculty of Fine Arts in Association of the Cultural Forum - Al-Sharkia 2000 .
- 41st Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2001 - Cairo .
- Scholarship from Ministry of Information and Communication in co-operation with the American University for 6 years from January 2003 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
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